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Find out the new Smart DTD

SmartDTD is a system developed by Distromel to implement PAYT – Pay As You Throw, a payment system for waste generation. It is the most innovative tool to increase recycling rates and fairly reward collaborating citizens. A set of technologies applied in the collection of waste that will give us the opportunity for a reliable and accurate measurement of the amount of waste generated by each individual.


It allows weighing with an accuracy of 100g. because the load cells are integrated in the container and not in the waste collection truck. It can be installed on any lift truck.

Smart electronics with innovative data processing systems, GPS positioning, wireless communication and container/bag identification.

High autonomy, because its electronic components are powered by interchangeable Plug&Play battery that it is easy to recharge using the energy of the truck.

Easy, fast and automatic functions of use. The operators do not intervene in the management, because all the data is automatically recorded and sent to a center to be analyzed and processed, thus optimizing the collection times and deadlines. Friendly user interface that allows intuitive interaction with our siGEUS management software.

This weighing system is designed to withstand aggressive usage environments, which means fewer operating errors and a longer life in such environments.


SmartDTD by Distromel


Distromel develops the SmartDTD control system with the objective of individually quantifying the generation of waste by each citizen.

In this way Distromel creates a tool capable of fairly implementing the payment for waste generation in some types of collection such as the door-to-door system.



Identification of the citizen’s bucket or bag with the SmartDTD system.


Waste introduction into the SmartDTD container.


Weight of the residue and the system will send the information to the siGEUS platform.


Once the SmartDTD is full, it will be emptied using the elevator.

SmartDTD by Distromel
  • A-133 Km 4.8, Calle Carretera, 4, 22512 San Esteban de Litera, Huesca [ see map ]
  • 974 430 938

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